Shine, she always did, she always will.

Brighter than those friggin stars, 

quieter than the calm Sunday mornings.

But bolder than ever,

confident, as she always is.

She trembles, and thinks,

for the goal seems too far away,

and obstacles way too many.

But the fire in her can’t die,

her hunger, she cannot suffice.

Her intent, pure and beautiful, as ever.

Fighting the ones who put her down,

teaching and learning ,

that’s what holds her to the ground.

Spreading love, the way she desires,

happiness, it’s hers to earn.

The choices she made, 

the oceans she crossed,

a journey as beautiful,

she couldn’t ask for more.

She conquered, she rules, 

as a woman should.

She did it herself, for herself,

and for them lovers and haters,

who gaze and daze.

Her life is hers, she proudly says out loud.

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